Handling Alarms |
The Alarms page shows you any ACTIVE or SNOOZED alarms (historic alarm information is not available via the SoniCloud Mobile app) |
After selecting an alarm, you are able to view all actions taken on this alarm, and what the current status is, and you are able to take a new action by tapping the Select an Action button |
After tapping Select an Action, a menu will pop up on your screen prompting you to choose either Comment, Snooze, or Resolve |
The Comment option allows you to leave notes on the alarm regarding the cause, potential solution, or any other pertinent information. (Commenting will not affect the status of the alarm) |
Snoozing the alarm will stop any re-notification or escalation protocols that are set up from activating during the snoozed time period on the alarm. |
Resolving the alarm will set the Meter/Sensor back into an unalarmed state, and remove the alarm from the Active Alarm lists. (Note: until an alarm is resolved, no additional alarms can be received for the sensor that the alarm is attributed to.