Note: If you are not seeing the readings you expected, you might need to perform a field verification, often referred to "Zeroing out your DPS sensor". Use this link for instructions!
Before you start:
The Differential Pressure Sensor should be located in a DIFFERENT room than the Air Pressure Pickup, Two examples follow:
EXAMPLE 1: If the PICKUP is located in a room being monitored for LOW air pressure, install the DPS SENSOR in an unpressurized room right outside. Connect the tubing from the pickup to the DPS sensor on inlet port marked “LO”.
EXAMPLE 2: If the DPS SENSOR is located in the room being monitored for LOW pressure, put the PICKUP in the other room and connect the tubing from the pickup to the DPS sensor on inlet port marked “HI”.
Installing the Ceiling Mount (Shown in Example 1):
Find the optimal locations for the meter, DPS sensor and pickup. Make sure you have enough tubing to make the connection.
Drill a 3/8” hole thru wall or ceiling for access to route the tubing from DPS sensor to pickup.
Drill a 1 3/8” hole in the ceiling pickup location.
Run the provided tubing from the DPS sensor thru wall and/or ceiling to pickup location. Connect one end of the tubing to the pickup and the other end to DPS sensor. Refer to Before You Start at the top of this page to determine which DPS inlet to connect to. Ensure tubing is pushed down over all the hose inlet barbs. Push ceiling pickup up into ceiling to complete installation.
Remove the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the meter. Clean the surface where the meter is going to be located. Place the meter in the desired location pressing firmly to ensure full adhesion.
Plug the DPS sensor into the female end of the extension cable. Plug the male end of the cable into the meter’s input jack. Remove the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the sensor.
Clean the surface where the sensor is going to be located. Place the sensor in the desired location pressing firmly to ensure full adhesion. Go to Testing the Installation (below).
Installing the Wall Mount (Shown in example 2):
Find the optimal locations for the meter, DPS sensor and pickup. Make sure you have enough tubing to make the connection.
Drill a 3/8” hole thru wall or ceiling for access to route the tubing from DPS sensor to pickup.
Drill a 3/8” hole in Room B wall for pickup location.
Run the provided tubing from the DPS sensor thru wall and/or ceiling to pickup location. Connect one end of the tubing to the pickup and the other end to DPS sensor. Refer to the NOTE at top of this page to determine which DPS inlet to connect to. Ensure tubing is pushed down over all the hose inlet barbs. Push ceiling pickup up into ceiling to complete installation.
Remove the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the meter. Clean the surface where the meter is going to be located. Place the meter in the desired location pressing firmly to ensure full adhesion.
Plug the DPS sensor into the female end of the extension cable. Plug the male end of the cable into the meter’s input jack. Remove the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the sensor.
To measure air pressure in the air duct relative to room air pressure connect the tubing from the pickup in the air duct to the DPS inlet port marked “LO”.
To measure room air pressure relative to the duct air pressure connect the tubing to inlet marked “HI”. Refer to reference diagrams.
Find the optimal location for the meter, DPS sensor (Room A) and pickup (Duct). Locate the pickup in a straight run of duct, not in a bend or corner. Make sure you have enough tubing to make the connection.
Drill a 3/8” hole thru wall or ceiling to route the tubing from Room A sensor to ductwork pickup location.
Drill a 1/2” hole at the duct pickup location to allow insertion of the pickup tube. Secure the pickup using the provided sheet metal screws.
Run the tubing from the DPS sensor location in Room A, thru wall or ceiling to duct pickup location. Make tubing connections at the DPS sensor “HI” inlet and at the duct pickup. Make sure tubing is pushed down over all the hose barbs. Installation is complete.
Peel off the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the meter. Clean the surface where the meter is going to be located. Place the meter in the desired location pressingly firmly to ensure full adhesion.
Plug the DPS sensor into the female end of the extension cable. Plug the male end of the cable into the meter’s input jack. Remove the red-colored adhesive backing on the bottom of the sensor.
Clean the surface where the sensor is going to be located. Place the sensor in the desired location pressing firmly to ensure full adhesion. Go to Testing the Installation (below).

Plug the power adapter into a wall outlet and plug the male end of the adapter into the 9-12V input on the meter. Ensure that all power, meter, and sensor connections are secure.
Turn on your meters by pressing and holding the On/Off Transmit button with the included reset pin until the flashing LED turns light blue. When the LED maintains a solid green color, your meter should be connected!
Access your dashboard at: to ensure your meters are connected and transmitting.